Sunday, June 19, 2011

Let's make Rock Candy....ohhh Epic F.A.I.L.

So Elijah had his last project of the school year....edible book project. You have to make something that makes you think of the setting of the book!
I was jazzed, so I decided that Elijah was going to read the book How to Eat Fried Worms and we were going to make Dirt with gummy worms hanging out for the class. Then I thought - oh no that would be way too easy....someone else in the class might think of that idea, so I wanted something else. (Moment of honesty: Please remember this is ELIJAH'S project - not mine.......but I kinda got excited and took over).....ooooyee I've become one of those parents:(

So he read Rocky Road Trip (it was all about rocks and the Grand Canyon). So I decided that we were going to make rock candy for the entire class. GO LOVE!! No one is going to think of that idea!

So here we go and we made a family project out of it:
counting out the sticks for his class....getting ready to soak them to coat them with sugar.
pouring in sugar -- 8 cups to be exact!

All for NOT - a week later we had 4 mason jars with 12 sticks in them and NO crystals have formed. It was only supposed to take 24 hours to start forming crystals. What did I do wrong???

Well, just so you don't make the same mistake I did - and waste 8 cups of sugar and a lot of time: crystals won't form when you live in a place with 70% humidity during the summer time. I'm just sayin'!

We ended up mixing soft vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips, placing it into plastic dixie cups and having his class excavate the 'rocks' AKA chocolate chips out of the 'dirt' AKA vanilla ice cream.

P.S. In all fairness, someone DID bring in dirt with gummy worms hanging out!


Jenny Girl said...

Ha ha ha. That's awesome. But think of the experience you had! I would have probably done the same thing and gone all out having trini attempt to do a frozen buttercream transfer on a boxed cake mix cake. Let's hear it for overachiever parenting!

The Breaux Family said...

Go Jenn! Umm what in the world is a frozen buttercream transfer???

kimbasa said...

buaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha! Our first year at DS... I TOTALLY tried making rock candy IN SCHOOL!!! I got freaked out about setting off the fire alarm that we went out and had "class" for about 1/2 the day in the dog pound... only... mine never crystalized too! BUAHAHAHAHAH! So... I ended up going to the mall and getting some at the candy store! sad.story! I think it has to do w/ how hot you get the sugar to boil... I was unwilling to spend 15$ on a candy thermometer... I figured as long as I had it on High- it would get hot enough! buahaha! FAIL.

The Breaux Family said...

LOL @ Kim!! The instructions make it look so easy though....I would have went and bought some, but since I am here -- it just wasn't an option :( I wish I would have seen you in the dogpound!