Saturday, February 5, 2011

10 Things You May Not Know About Me.....

....I know I am all kinds of late (Kim, Katie, Jene and Jaime)

1. I am 99.9% sure I wouldn't get a tattoo -- ever! It's not that I am against them on other people, it's just that I can't imagine something that I feel THAT strongly about that I want on my body permanently!

2. I was a 'chubster' as a kid and teenager. Honestly - I was the biggest sister out of 6 girls and I HATED it! I have always loved to eat...that hasn't changed. I started to lose weight when I HAD to in order to get into the military.

3. I don't eat pork or beef. The reason is because when I was a high school senior my Dad's doctor told him to give up red meat, so my Mom stopped buying it and cooking it for the whole family. This hurt my heart (please refer to the fact that I LOVE to eat) I tried to be 'independent' and buy my own pork and beef for a few months. That desire died and I succumbed to ground turkey and such. I haven't had it since '95 - I KNOW it will hurt my stomach if I eat it - so I don't. Eddie and Elijah eat it when we go out - but I don't cook it at home. It doesn't gross me out at all.

4. I am afraid of failure. Literally! I think I don't attempt things unless I am pretty darn sure that I am going to be successful.

5. I am also afraid to watch America's Most Wanted. Don't laugh! Even hearing the theme song makes my heart start beating fast! Eddie said that it is because I know that person is still out there.

6. I really like colorful socks :) I love to wear them and I don't care if they match my outfit....they just have sooooo much character!

7. I've wanted to be a teacher since I was in 5th grade. Funny - that's what grade I teach now! Anyway, my Mom and Dad recently sent me my 5th grade report card and I pretty much SUCKED as a 5th grade student! Really.....I wasn't a stellar performer and I really struggled in math in 5th grade. The cool thing is that I think math is WONDERFUL!! I didn't struggle in ANY other grade -- not sure what was up in 5th grade?

8. While I am on the scholarly tip, I pretty much bombed my S.A.T.S. also in high school. Now the interesting thing is that I finished in the top 10% of my graduating class! HUH? (Kim, I can hear you laughing) Wait, to add to the confusion I maintained a 3.98 GPA in college and grad school (I made one 'B' in college)? So I am dismissing that STUPID S.A.T. score and will not label myself according to it!

9. I am freakishly afraid of roaches -- I will let the roach have the whole room. I start sweating and will start hysterically crying over a roach! I am not brave enough to kill it either! P.S. Please don't leave a comment about how much bigger they are then I am - I've heard it a million times!

10. I would like to go on Wipeout! I think I could rock that obstacle course!!


Jenny Girl said...

#1 - me, too, girl. Um, I can't even make my mind up when I go out to eat. . . There is no way I'm putting something on me for life!

#5 - I don't even read the news b/c there are so many sick people out there!

#9 - ROFL. "JENN, THERE'S A BUG!!!!!" I have experienced that first hand with you. But we all have our quirks :)

katie said...

I think I would pay money to see you on Wipeout! I think you would rock it!