Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

We will miss the snow when we PCS!! It is so peaceful as it falls and makes everything look so white and clean :)
On a mound of snow the snow plows made when they plowed the parking lot for the 4th time in 20 hours! I am thankful that I don't have that job!
Looking pretty cold on his way to school :) Yep, they still have recess in this weather, too! Snow pants, winter coat, hat, gloves and snow boots are required!
He really does enjoy playing in it (for about 30 min) - he has a sled and goes downhills near the house with his friends.
This is what my truck looks like --- every morning it snows. I end up brushing the snow off at least 4 times a day. In the AM before the gym, after the gym, before I go to work and after work.

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