Sunday, December 11, 2011

I walked into Elijah's class to do some inclusion services for other students............

....and found out that he was missing some assignments. I wasn't happy! We decided that it would be wise to talk about it after school. I had a staff meeting after school and wrote a message to Elijah on the white board before he got there. The message told him to sit down and complete the 3 assignments that he was missing while I was at the meeting. After the meeting, I walked into my classroom and saw this note:

That's Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y!! I would have commended him on his ability to express himself, but I was chuckling pretty hard. I had to invite passing teachers into my room to read it too! They enjoyed it as much as I did.

P.S. He completed ALL his missing work too....THAT night!


Jenny Girl said...

I love it!

kimbasa said...

aaaahahahahahahah! did you correct his "while" too! ahahahahahahahaha!

tony said...
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